The Difference between a BME-280 and a BMP-280      Jed Margolin


The Bosch BMP-280 reads the temperature and the absolute air pressure. The Bosch BME-280 reads the temperature, the absolute air pressure, and the humidity. Some of the times that I have bought a BME-280 on eBay the sellers have sent me the BMP-280. Here is how the tell the difference.




The BMP-280 is rectangular and the vent hole in the can is on the right side. This part number is OFZKU. The K means it is a BMP-280. This is from the BMP-280 datasheet.



The Device ID for a BMP-280 is 0x58 which is programmed into the part and which you can read.




The BME-280 is square and the vent hole is on the left side. This part number is 079UP. The U means it is a BME-280. This is from the BME-280 datasheet.



The Device ID for a BME-280 is 0x60 which is programmed into the part and which you can read.



There are two main types of breakout boards currently being sold.


One has 6 pins, the other has 4 pins. Both support either the BMP-280 and the BME-280.


The BMP-280 and the BME-280 support both the SPI interface and the I2C interface but the 4-pin board supports only the I2C interface.


The pins on the 4-pin board are:



The pins on the 6-pin board are:

To use the I2C interface:


1.  Connect CSB to VCC;

2.  Connect SDO to GND for I2C slave address 0x76 or connect it to VCC for I2C slave address 0x77.

3.  The SDA pin requires a 4.7K pullup resistor. There might or might not be one on the breakout board so be prepared to put one on your hardware.


My experience has been that if it comes on the 4-pin board it will probably actually be a BME-280.


One time I actually got a BME-280 on a 6-pin board but most of the time it has been a BMP-280.


There was one time that the Seller showed a picture of the BME-280 but what I got was a BMP-280 so if you want a BME-280 the best way is to buy the 4-pin board.



Jed Margolin

Virginia City Highlands



