From: "Highlands Home Care" <xxxx@yyy.zzz>

Date: Thu, 2/24/2011 10:54:31 AM

To: "planning"

Subject: Taormina Towers


To: Storey County Planning Commission


From: Andy & Leslie Biederman


Re: Taormina Antennae


We are firm believer in freedom and rights for individual property owners provided they meet county and HOA guidelines. We are not sure how Mr. Taormina got the approval for the first six towers but I guess that is "water under the bridge" at this point. We object to further towers at this site because we don't believe there is a valid need and they will further damage the valuable view of this area and specifically have a negative impact on property values in the area.


Although we only see these towers when we drive through the area, I sympathize with the folks whose view is immediately impacted. We would hope members of the community would come to our aid if a situation like this arose in the vicinity of our house. I do understand that Mr. Taormina has the right to pursue his radio hobby it shouldn't be at the expense of others around him.




Andy and Leslie Biederman

Delta Drive.