From: "GEORGIANNE HOUSER" <xxxx@yyy.zzz>
Date: Mon, 3/7/2011 1:39:37 PM
To: "planning"; "building"; "scda"
Subject: Taormina, again
First I want to thank you for stopping the antenna farm.
Several days ago I received what I perceived as a threatening email from Taormina. At the end of this email he wrote the following and I quote
"The DA, Building Department and Planning Commission are all out to get you"
If in fact, all these agencies are "all out to get me" I would appreciate being informed of the nature of the threat so I can defend myself and my family.
He has caused me a lot of stress and anxiety with this and maybe he needs to be told he can't speak for any of you.
Then he went on with "They must all be on the take". Certainly have no idea what he meant by that.
I'll be happy to forward a copy of the email if you so desire.
If you wish to respond please do so by email. My husband has serious health issues and I didn't tell him of the email from Taormina. It would really make him much worse.
Thank you
Georgianne Houser