From: "Steve Morrow" <xxxx@yyy.zzz>
Date: Wed, 2/23/2011 12:56:39 PM
To: "planning"
Subject: Radio Antenna Hearing
The following are comments related to the proposed Antenna’s to be constructed in the Virginia City Highlands and in reference to the special use application (SUP) that has been submitted:
1) It is my understanding that the applicant claims they are the designated emergency response center for the county in regards to transmitting information over shortwave radio. If this is the case, what is the requirement regarding radio transmission coverage for the designated short wave radio emergency broadcast? Is it for Storey County, Northern Nevada or the State of Nevada, National, International, etc.? The maximum broadcast area should be adequate to satisfy the requirements as set forth in his official designation and his equipment should be able to satisfy those requirements. If the applicant is not appointed or certified by the State, County, ect., with this designation and there are no requirements for broadcast coverage in place then I would assume that the applicant is a hobbyist and would be available to supply a service ‘just in case’ there is an emergency and ‘all else fails’.
2) Regarding the support cable anchor points for the structures in place and the proposed structures, the anchor points should be located 100%, with a determined setback in accordance with the CC&R’s or the SUP, on the applicants property. If the anchor points are located on property that is not owned by the applicant then I would assume that there are either written permissions or variances in place for those adjacent properties allowing this type of access. A concern would be in the event that an adjacent property is purchased by a new owner and the new owner does not approve of the access to their property for these anchor points. Would the applicant be required to either move or remove the structures that meet this criteria?
3) The applicant submitted two separate sets of structural calculations for the structures. However, the application did not include an analysis that was stamped and certified by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Nevada. I would assume that an analysis would have to be provide for all structures on the property and certified by a Nevada P.E.
4) Visual impacts: I have undeveloped property on Saddleback that faces a southwesterly aspect. The antennas are quite visible from my property. A concern would be for property devaluation. I am just one of many who own property with the structures within the field of view. The existing structures are quite a bit lower than those proposed structures and are often masked by the vegetation if you did not know they are there. I would assume that the proposed structures will extend above the skyline of the adjacent hills and be quite visible in the view of the Carson Range. I do not recall if the visual impact portion of the application addressed the impacts for the proposed structures or just the existing structures.
a. This is definitely a difficult component to evaluate because certain homes or properties will be much more affected than others because of the radio tower network. Is the applicant responsible for potential losses incurred by a homeowner for property devaluation and how is that accurately measured? Or does the County assume liability for issuing the SUP?
5) General Comment: I am in full support of individuals pursuing their hobbies and passions. I do however think that there is a threshold when a hobby becomes much more and should be handled accordingly. It is my understanding that there are several commercial tower sites for radio, cell, broadband, etc. throughout our area. If the applicant wants to become the shortwave emergency transmitter for the County, etc. I would think that one of the commercially available sites would be more suitable for this type of application. It seems that erecting the proposed structures on his property would be much more economical but I would also think that the applicant is either receiving federal funds or could receive funds to maintain this emergency network.
I look forward to following the process. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
VCH Resident, 21715 Sazarac Rd.
Stephen A. Morrow, P.E.
801 East Glendale Avenue
Sparks, Nevada 89431
P.775.284.5500 F.775.284.5504 C.775.354.6109
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