From: "Phyllis Blake" <xxxx@yyy.zzz>
Date: Wed, 2/23/2011 11:11:46 PM
To: "Donna Giboney"
Subject: Tom Taormina's Application for Special Use Permit at 370 Panamint Road
I am the owner of the property at 360 Panamint Road in Virginia City Highlands, which unfortunately is adjacent to the unsightly hazard that Mr. Taormina has created at 370 Panamint Road. After a battle involving attorneys, surveyors, complaints to the Storey County Sheriff's Department, etc., Mr. Taormina did eventually move the tower he had the audacity to construct on MY PROPERTY. He later insisted he didn't know it was on my land (after he had purposely removed the surveyor's stakes put in place when I purchased the property). Although he did have a couple of existing towers when I purchased my land, he has subsequently added additional higher ones. AND, now he wants to add another even higher and more offensive one! After the emotional drain of this fiasco, and then the subsequent destruction of my home at 2440 Grizzley by fire in December 2009, I no longer had the stamina to continue the fight. I have since relocated to Washington State. However, I do still have a continued concern for all my many friends there as well as an economic interest because of my ownership of this 10 acre parcel as well as 50 acres on Lousetown Road.
If these towers should collapse, as towers sometimes do because of faulty construction, aging equipment, wind and ice storms, etc., what would be the chance they would remain intact? How far could falling ice that has built up on the towers be carried by strong winds? Collapsing towers would likely result in fires. Not only property damage, but injuries and even death can result from anyone unlucky enough to be in the pathway. Also, having spent several years (ironically) on the Board of Fire Safe Highlands, I know that Panamint Road would be a very likely path for fires coming up from the valley.'
Because of this, several years ago FSH chose to use my Panamint property as an example of how to create defensible space (a firebreak). I remember asking the head of the firefighters at that time if their lives could be endangered by Tom's towers -- I had read about several deaths resulting from low flying planes and, particularly, helicopters crashing into towers while fighting fires (they were unable to see the towers, obviously, because of the smoke and flames). I was told our firefighters are very much aware of Tom's towers, and they would avoid going into that area. So, the homes in close proximity would have a greatly diminished chance of being saved. For this reason alone, I think the planning commission should deny Mr. Taormina's request for a 200' tower. Also, granting Mr. Taormina's request would be setting a dangerous precedent for others in the community who might also choose to become involved in this "hobby". That would mean other areas of the Highlands would also be less likely to have full fire protection in addition to those along Panamint Road.
Please see the attachments regarding collapses of towers and the damage and deaths they have caused. As stated, collapses can occur as a result of faulty installation, from build up of snow/ ice, wind storms, or wear and tear, etc. Their proximity to power lines are also a hazard. These issues are in addition to the detrimental effect they have on property values. I've had a number of prospective buyers interested in purchasing my property, but they don't want to be that close to the eyesore/safety hazard. On two separate occasions I had prospective buyers who made the trip up the hill to see a house that was listed for sale on Panamint, and they refused to even get out of their cars when they saw the antennas.
Please do not further endanger this neighborhood or the property values by allowing Mr.Taormina to continue this defacement.
Phyllis Blake