From: "Craig G Chanslor" <>

Date: Sun, 2/27/2011 11:55:08 AM

To: "planning"

Subject: Antenna Hearings


Honored Commission:


As a member of the community and also an amateur radio operator I, am very concerned with these hearings. Most of what has been published and bandied about on the local blog is incorrect, lies, out of context, or deliberate distortions. I would ask that the commission members do their own research, and make their best efforts to obtain the facts. I believe the most pertinent document to this case is FCC Commission Ruling PRB-1.


This ruling prohibits local communities from placing unreasonable restrictions on local armatures. I belive that the court records will show the 45 foot height limitation has been found to be unreasonable.


I am however sympathetic with the neighbors that the number of towers on a ten acre lot would begin to look like a forest.


This, because of the shear numbers, not the height, could become intrusive. I conclude by asking that you do your best to accommodate the spirit, not only of ham radio, but the freedom of the area, to not be regulating what others may do, or choose for a hobby.


I would like very much to have been able to attend the hearings in person; however we have escaped the snow and cold for the winter and are


Thank you for your consideration.


Craig G Chanslor

2570 Musket Road

W7TZL ex 2 term 10 Acre Pres.