From: "William Immers" <xxxx@yyy.zzz>

Date: Mon, 2/28/2011 8:49:45 PM

To: "planning"

Cc: <xxxx@yyy.zzz>

Subject: SUP at 370 Panamint Rd


I am writing in opposition to the Special Use Permit 2011-010 for the addition of over sized antennas at 370 Panamint Rd.


When we purchased out lot at 730 Cartwright Rd 15 plus years ago we liked the rural subdued environment. the property at 370 Panamint Rd had few and short antennas that blended in against the background. The antennas have multiplied in number, grown in height and visual impact over time. I see the antennas daily as I drive in and out of the Highlands. The have become the dominant feature of the Southeastern sunrise view from my house.


Going past the 45 foot limit and the need for a special use permit is obsessive and inconsiderate of the area and neighbors.


Thank you for any consideration you give our opinion in this matter.


William and Joyce Immers

730 Cartwright Rd

VC Highlands