From: "nvflash999" <xxxx@yyy.zzz>
Date: Wed, 2/23/2011 3:21:35 PM
To: "planning"
Subject: Towers in the Highlands
I personally feel that the towers on Tom's property are
nothing more than a hobby that got out of hand. If he had just one that
was at the 45' height allowed by the county I would probably be ok with
it. But he didn't get permits or permission from the county he just did
it and that isn't right.
When you enter the Highlands at the main gate it is a terrible sight when the
sun hits them and they stand out. It is an eyesore.
I would ask that they be deemed illegal and should be removed and either one be
permitted, after he pays a fine for bypassing you, or they all come down. It is
no different than a house being constructed without permits. His reasoning that
his ham radios would save us if the world ended is rediculous. Fifty
years ago, maybe, but not now.
Thank you for letting me have my say and I hope the commission stands up to
those, like this, that try to do things their own way and not the right way by
going through the permitting process.
Dale Morgan