understanding is that the new larger base antenna is what he is asking to
put up.
I am
copying your email to the planning dept. via Donna & Austin.
you haven't yet received the agenda for the meeting and site tour info
for before the meeting, I can forward a copy of both agendas to you.
--- On Thu, 2/17/11, xxx2@yyy.zzz <xxx2@yyy.zzz>
From: xxx2@yyy.zzz <xxx2@yyy.zzz>
Subject: TT's Antennas
To: xxx1@yyy.zzz
Cc: xxx3@yyy.zzz, bkershaw@storeycounty.org, bsjovangen@storeycounty.org
Date: Thursday, February 17, 2011, 11:18 AM
Hi Lydia,
I just want to make sure that you notice the completely different type of
antenna base Mr.Taormina wanted to errect a couple of years ago. If you
haven't yet seen it, go to his Highlands Weather page
Highlands Weather and notice the picture at the top right of the page:
horses with some ugly pipe sections in the foreground. That is what he
wanted to errect a couple of years ago. These are completely different
then his other antenna bases and look more like a large commercial
billboard base...in NO WAY fitting for the Highlands, let alone at the
very entrance.
I don't know that Mr. Taormina still plans to use those but if he does,
IHO, the county should make every effort to deny him permission. New
antenna(s) similar to those already errected, I would not object to.
Best Regards,
Jim O'Mahony
Yellowjacket Rd.