Case: 16-50644-btb
Chapter 15
Reza Zandian debtor
Hearing held on 09/01/2020 at 11:00 AM.
This is an unofficial transcript that I made myself this time. I believe this is an accurate transcript of the hearing. You can always listen to it yourself. It is only 1:57 minutes. JM
The Court: Good morning, please be seated. The first thing on the 11 o’clock calendar is Patrick Canet and, I’m sorry, Jazi Zandian. Case number 16-50644. This is Amended Motion to Dismiss. Appearances, please.
Ms. Gandara: Good morning Your Honor, this is Andrea Gandara appearing on behalf of Fred Sadri in his individual and trustee capacities and Ray and Sathsowi Koroghli in their individual and managing trustee capacities.
Mr. Francis: Good morning, Your Honor. This is Matthew Francis for Jed Margolin.
Mr. Zorio: Good morning, Your Honor. This is Arthur Zorio, also for Jed Margolin.
Court: Anyone else?
So where are we on this?
Ms. Gandara:
Your Honor, this is Andrea Gandara
for Mr. Sadri and the Koroghlis. We have a signed
Settlement Agreement, we have checks, we have execution versions of quitclaim
deeds, and a stipulated dismissal ready to go and for those reasons we would
request the matter be taken off calendar pending a Stipulated Dismissal that should be forthcoming very shortly.
The Court:
Is that acceptable to everyone?
Francis: Yes, Your Honor, this is Matt Francis,
Matthew Francis on behalf of Jed Margolin, and that is acceptable and accurate
and we look forward to providing the Court with the Stipulated Order For Dismissal for all the pending proceedings either this
week or next.
The Court:
Anyone else?
thank you guys for saving me a lot of work. I look forward to getting your Order.
Thank you.
Ms. Gandara: Thank you.
Mr. Francis: Thank you, Your Honor.
Zorio: Thank you.
The Court:
Thank you.